Sunday, January 20, 2013


     The mole is the SI base unit that scientist use to measure a substance. But it is not helpful for cake baking. The mole of any substances contains 6.02x10^23 representative particles. Some of these particles are atoms, molecules, formula units, and so on. Amedeo Avogadro was the one who started the mole in the year 1811.

      In our lab we had to figure out what element each cup was. We had to do this by finding the atomic mass for each of the different cups. We weighed the number of grams that the cup held. Then we took the number of grams and divided by the number of moles and got the atomic mass of an element. We then used our periodic table to figure out which element we had. And that is how we found out the element. Down below is a chart where we check if our element was correct.
9.44 c
31.53 g
53.90 d         Here is the number of grams we got for each letter.
15.10 f
28.30 b
45.55 h
20.74 e
25.80 j          
32.60 I
4.87 a

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